Exercises for Varicose Veins



Varicose veins are veins that have enlarged or stretched due to pooling of blood in lower extremities. The veins gets bulged out and there is appearance of bluish colored web clearly visible on skin. There are a few symptoms to be experienced such as tired legs, night cramps, burning or numbness in legs, swelling in legs and ulcers/sores in legs. The main cause being inactivity or less active legs over a long period of time. So, exercises can help prevent and reduce the symptoms effectively.

Here are a few exercises for varicose veins:

Walking or Running

Taking a 30 minute walk or going for a run can definitely be a relieving factor if you are suffering from varicose veins. Practicing it for 4-5 days a week can benefit you with the associated discomfort. It surely activates the muscles to pump blood back to the heart from your legs.


Leg raise

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