Frozen shoulder exercises.



Frozen shoulder is a condition in which there is restriction of range of motion of the the shoulder complex. Normally, the shoulder have the flexion of 0-180 degrees of movement, extension of 0-60 degrees, abduction of 0-180 degrees, internal rotation of 0-90 degrees and external rotation of 0-90 degrees. The muscles around shoulder complex are called rotator cuff muscles comprising of 4 muscles- Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor and Subscapularis. Tightness of any of the muscle leading to a decrease in degrees of movement around the shoulder can be termed as Frozen Shoulder.

We are going to discuss few exercises to improve the shoulder movements:

Shoulder Flexion

Assist your affected shoulder with holding your hands together and lifting them in front of you and taking them overhead or to the maximum range till a stretch is felt. Hold the position of stretch for 5-10 seconds and repeat the movement 10-15 times…

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