Plank variations



Hello everyone!!

Planks are the foremost exercise that comes in mind for core strengthening and stabilization. Core is the central part of the body which includes your abdominal area, lower back and hips. These areas are generally weak unless we train them and strengthen the muscles around. Planking is one of the most effective ways to reduce weight and tone the abdominal area. Anyone can start practicing them and that too without needing much of any equipment for the exercise.

So, here are a few plank exercises to start with:

Basic plank

  1. Get down on floor facing downwards with your body supported on both of your elbows and toes.
  2. Forearms should be resting on floor with both the fists clenched.
  3. Keep your neck, back and hips in a straight line parallel to the ground.
  4.  Hold the position from 20-30 seconds.
  5. You can keep a towel or pillow beneath elbows if…

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